Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Sad Day

Remember this? I do.

It was the 2006 playoffs, and the Cowboys were playing the Seahawks. The Cowboys had somehow managed to let the game spiral out of control, yet they were one field goal away from winning the game and moving to the next round. Then, the unthinkable happened. As the ball is snapped to Romo, he drops it on the ground. In an effort to get the first down, Romo picked the ball up and attempted to run for the first down, but was shoestring tackled right before the first down line. It was an extremely sad moment for my family and for all Dallas area fans.

Now, as a Houston-area sports fan, I have become very accustom to terrible sports and close losses as we are the best at being mediocre. Seriously, Houston sports is the most ruthless sporting area to be a fan in. But Dallas, that's a different story. You have the Mavericks and your seven-foot German Superman, Josh Hamilton and the Rangers and America's Team - The Cowboys. That should be at least one championship every year, right?

But, unfortunately, the Texas Rangers couldn't pull it out. The Rangers did what the Aggies usually do: play terribly in the second half (granted, it was the second half of the series). It's extremely sad to see your team get that close and blow it (remember when my Astros got to the World Series?).

However, if you're a Dallas area sports fan, you're probably screaming at your computer about how I forgot about the Mavericks' winning it all. I didn't. That's the point: you've still got relevancy in every sport. So don't feel bad for yourself; be happy that your team's can actually compete in sports.

A Houston area sports fan

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